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Document Expired or Webpage has expired on back button

If you have a dinamic website and want to allow your visitors to use the back button after they sent a form with the post method, the best combination I found was:

header("Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0",false);
// and after you start the sessionsession_start();

I try some combinations using header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"), but when clicking the back button, the last changes in the form back to their previous states. The combination above works fine with IE 6.x. I didn't test this with other browsers.

When I try something like session_cache_limiter("nocache, must-revalidate") it doesn't work. The page only updates when I used the browser's refresh button. In dynamic web sites this is not good. The content must be fresh after each click.

I didn't find these combinations like "private, must-revalidate" documented in the manual and I guess that something different from "none, nocache, private, public and private_no_expire" are resolved to "none" or something like that. One thing I notice is that in session_cache_limiter() it is "nocache", but in header() it is "no-cache". This may give us some clues about how session_cache_limiter() function works.

About caching, the perfect solution I think is to give the correct expiration date and time and also the right last-modified header for each element in the web site, when they are really updated. This means a lot of extra controls of course, but may worth in web sites with high overload.

The "public" option means that all available cache in proxies and clientes will be used, so this improves the speed of the web site and also reduces the used bandwidth. But without the right expiration and last-modified headers, you can use it only in static web sites.

The "private" option means that only the cache in clients will be used. This is good for a more sensitive data that can be stored locally in the browser cache. It have some benefits of the public option, but the same restrictions too.

The "nocache" (or no-cache?) option means that the HTML portion will not be cached, but the images, CSS and JS files will. This is good for dynamic websites because you still can use the power of cache without loose the refreshness after each click. These files can be updated when you open the web site or use the browser's refresh button.

I don't know why, but flash files are never updated when you click the refresh button. A common solution for this is to change the file name when you update the flash file.

The "no-store" option means that all the content will not be cached anyway, including images, CSS or JS files. I don't know if this applyes to flash files too, but is possible. This option must be used with very sensitive data. I think the SSL uses this by default.


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